DVR server


A pointer to the server that records the channel. TMS does not control DVR servers, but only contains information about the availability of the archive and its depth.

Generally, the stream URL is generated based on the DVR server URL template and the system Channel name.

The TVIP Mira and Flussonic software URL templates are the same, the broadcast protocol selection is determined by Protocol Type.

It is possible to use an arbitrary server using the ANY protocol type; read the description of the Custom path ending attribute for how the pattern is defined.



DVR server name.

DVR Server URL:

The address of the DVR server or the server responsible for delivering the archive (for example, a balancer or caching server).


Activation of the token, x-playback-session-id headers is required for the Flussonic software to work correctly when using the DVR and its derivative functions.

An example of header activation below:

stream example{
  url udp://  priority=1;
  auth true session_keys=ip,proto,name,token,header.x-playback-session-id;
Default depth of archive (sec):

Sets the depth of the archive in seconds for each channel, can be overridden in the channel settings.

Protocol Type:

Determines which protocol will be used when generating links to the archive. Use the ANY protocol to form an arbitrary pattern.

Custom path ending:

Allows you to connect a DVR server different from Mira and Flussonic, or modify the link generation template to suit your needs.

The link template has the form: <dvr.url>/<channel.system_name>/<dvr.custom_ending_path>, where:

  • The `` <dvr.url> `` is the URL of the DVR server, for example

  • The `` <channel.system_name> `` is the system name of the Channel, for example: example_channel.

  • <dvr.custom_ending_path> link template, for example index.m3u8?mode=hlsv4&amp;start=${s}.

Final example archive address template for a channel with system name example_channel:;start=${s}.

Subscriber applications will interpret the archive address pattern for the example_channel as;start=1678172400 when using the DVR at the time position of March 7, 2023 07:00 (GMT), since the ${s} variable is interpreted as unixtimestamp.

The following time variables are available:

  • ${s} - unixtimestamp date.

  • ${shift} - will set the time 10 seconds earlier than the current time.

  • ${F} - Short format entry %Y-%m-%d: YYYYY-MM-DD.

  • ${Y} - Year, four digits.

  • ${m} - Month, two digits.

  • ${d} - Day, two digits.

  • ${H} - Hour, 24-hour format, two digits.

  • ${I} - Hour, 12-hour format, two digits.

  • ${p} - Sign before/after noon, AM or PM.

  • ${M} - One minute, two digits.

  • ${S} - One second, two digits.