Account is an IPTV/OTT subscriber account, the account belongs to provider.
- Full Name:
Last name patronymic, the field is not checked for correctness in any way, can be used as desired.
- Login:
A unique user name within the provider.
- Password:
User password, setup via the admin interface requires a password minimum of 8 characters length, through any password may be set via API.
- Enabled:
When flagged, the account is considered as enabled; when flagged disabled, the subscriber account is available for editing and use, but user subscriptions are disabled. When the account is disabled, a Free Tariff will be used, if it’s defined in Provider.
- Permitted number of devices:
Overrides the number of devices per account available to connect. If it is not specified, the Provider settings are used.
- Region:
User region, if not specified - ISP region is used. Affects the Account’s Broadcast Grid.
- Contract:
Subscriber contract information, text field.
- Description:
An arbitrary text field.
- Tags:
Currently an unused entity.
- Remotely customizable field:
Arbitrary field available in Provider API, for example, for filling it with internal ID mapping in billing, text field.
Contains a list of connected devices. When the quick bind function is enabled in the Provider properties it is possible to link the TVIP S-Box to an Account in advance
Actions on devices
Add device - links the device to the user’s account
Remove device - unlinks the device from the user account, but does not remove it from the system
Update - resets device authorization, when using the Quick Binding function allows you to automatically authorize the device (in case of device transfer or reset)
User message - allows you to send a message to the application, it is recommended to use Provider API for mass mailings
Reinit - restarts the application
Restart - restarts the S-Box
Switch to channel - switches the application to the selected channel, the channel must be available in the subscription
Start application - start embedded applications on the TVIP S-Box
VNC - start remote control of TVIP S-Box via VNC protocol
Management of user subscriptions. The operation of subscription plans is described in a separate document.
Tariff plan will be applied to account based on the plan start and end dates matching the time when channels are requested. A change in user subscriptions causes a forced update of the channel list on all devices in the Account.
The admin interface allows you to manage services, but it is recommended to use the Provider API to work with accounts.
Start date of subscription
The expiration date of the subscription, if not specified, will be valid indefinitely, can be specified at any time
Tariff - used tariff
Depth of archive - overrides the depth of the archive of channels of the given tariff, if the original depth is less - the original will be used, if channel exists at several tariffs - the option with the deepest archive will be chosen.
The “Archive Depth” subscription option can be used as an additional paid feature for the subscriber. For example, your billing can adjust the number of days depending on the tariff or selected paid options.
Commands are used for real-time control and client notifications. TMS supports two message transports: websocket and http polling. WS transport provides prompt delivery of messages. HTTP Polling is a backup method of message delivery, messages are delivered once in 240 seconds. The list of sent commands and their status is displayed in this section.
Using account networks only makes sense in client access modes Account network or Account network or by default mode
Account networks are used to bind devices to an account. Any device that accesses the TMS server will be automatically bound to the account. If a device has been bound to another account, it will be re-bound to the one whose network includes the IP.
Log of actions on the account