VOD Library

The VOD element is a movie, TV series, cartoon, in general, any media content.

When import from TMDB is activated all meta information can be imported by IMDB identifier, example identifier: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0086793/ tt0086793 is the identifier of the Santa Barbara.

Category - a grouping of VOD items, according to any attribute, for example “Movies” or “Robot movie selection”, an item without a category will not be displayed in the VOD library of the client application.


At the moment, to display Categories in VOD need it contains in the EPG and integration with TMDB.

A VOD item without episodes is considered a movie, otherwise a serial. Depending on the type of content, it will be presented differently in client applications.

The Sources tab contains links to content and trailer files.

The episodes tab includes a hierarchy of seasons, episodes, and episode sources.

If necessary, the data import can be repeated, for example, when new series are released. Already loaded data will not be changed.

Publication property

The element VOD will be available in the output:

  • if the start and end date is not filled in and the item is on

  • starting from the start date and indefinitely, if no end date is specified and the item is included

  • from the start date to the end date and the item is included

If a date range is specified, but the item is disabled - they are not taken into account, the item will not be available for delivery to client.

Preparing the VOD contents ready for delivery to client devices may take up to 10 minutes - this means that any changes will appear on clients after this time period.